On 2/21/21 8:01 AM, True North wrote:
On Sunday, 21 February 2021 at 08:08:18 UTC-4, justan wrote:
Wayne B Wrote in message:r
On Sat, 20 Feb 2021 17:08:50 -0500, John wrote:On Fri, 19 Feb 2021 16:06:10 -0500, Wayne B wrote:On Fri, 19 Feb 2021 13:12:06 -0500 (EST), justan wrote:John Wrote in message:r On Fri, 19 Feb 2021 12:18:52 -0500 (EST), justan wrote:https://www.wsj.com/articles/bidens-rough-start-with-the-world-11613430041?cx_testId=3&cx_testVariant=cx_2&cx_ar tPos=1#cxrecs_s-- ----Android NewsGroup Reader----https://piaohong.s3-us-west-2.amazon...index.htmlThey want me to subscribe to read the whole article. But what I read doesn'tsound good. And, in just a few days he will have killed over 100,000 innocentcitizens of this country.--Freedom Isn't Free!Aparently Wayne is comfortable with the normal decent presentation of a swamp dwella.===You and John are still in denial about the atrocity that Trump triedto commit.Because he didn't try to commit one!===Denial is like that.
I'm sure you won't deny that the crowd you are alligning yourself
with are a stinkin lyin bunch of theives who are, for some
unknown reason, doing great harm to the United States. Your
pastors Rev. Jackson, Sharpton, and Wright, are leading their
flocks astray. Donald, the finest sheepdog in recent American
history, doesn't have a chance against the elitist pack of
wolves that are struggleing to bring him and America down. It is
truly amazing that he was able to acomplish what he did.
Wake up America.
----Android NewsGroup Reader----
You are really revealing yourself, Justine.
Someone should ask Richard to come back and talk some sense into y'all.
Yet another example of why I don't bother to read Justine's posts...he
is politically clueless, easily the dumbest poster to ever "grace"
* Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *