True North Wrote in message:r
On Friday, 26 February 2021 at 20:56:37 UTC-4, Wayne B wrote: On Fri, 26 Feb 2021 18:55:33 -0500 (EST), justan wrote: Wayne B Wrote in message:r On Fri, 26 Feb 2021 14:56:44 -0500 (EST), justan wrote:Wayne B Wrote in message:r On Fri, 26 Feb 2021 14:12:01 -0500, John wrote:Wow! That's something to be proud of. Actually, he broke 100K yesterday, afteronly 37 days in office. At that rate, he'll hit close to 275,000 by his '100thDay'. What a man!Interesting that CNN does not display all the Covid-19 data continuously anymore. Any idea, Wayne or Harry, why that is?===Since I never watch CNN, I have no idea. One could speculate that itmight be because bad news always sells better than good news, and thenews is mostly good these days. It certainly is nice not seeing so much of the orange menace ontelevision these days.WHAT IS IT ABOUT THE DYNAMIC DUO IN OFFICE NOW THAT YOU LIKE SO MUCH?===That's easy. I like that they are not Trump. Thats what I thought. You'd chose a monkey over Trump. How did you become so hateful? === Being a former New Yorker I've been aware of Trump for a long time, close to 40 years. He has always been a fraud artist, leaving a trail of debris behind him even longer than someone else we know. His track record speaks for itself and I wouldn't be all that surprised to see him convicted of some kind of financial or tax fraud. Seeing him locked up in a cell next to Bernie Madoff would be a fitting end to his career. There are certainly plenty of people willing to testify against him.Is Justine really serious about his adoration of Trump?I feel he may be trying some kind of experiment like his buddy Richard did a few years ago.No one could be as wacky as he portrays.
Its not worth experimenting on subjects who are narrow minded and
predictable. It does surprise me that they are so hate filled
that they are not able to use common sense and good judgement.
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