On 3/6/21 7:43 AM, Mr. Luddite wrote:
On 3/5/2021 11:12 AM, True North wrote:
On Friday, 5 March 2021 at 10:07:52 UTC-4, justan wrote:
John Wrote in message:r
On Thu, 4 Mar 2021 11:57:05 -0800 (PST), True North
wrote:On Thursday, 4 March 2021 at 15:35:32
UTC-4, John H wrote: On Thu, 4 Mar 2021 08:42:07 -0800 (PST), True
North wrote: On Thursday, 4 March
2021 at 10:10:54 UTC-4, Keyser Söze wrote: On 3/4/21 9:00 AM,
True North wrote: On Thursday, 4 March 2021 at 09:19:18
UTC-4, Keyser Söze wrote: Three or Four Days After 2nd
COVID-19 Shot... Got my second Moderna shot Monday
morning, and I'm trying to figure out whether today,
Thursday morning, is the third or fourth day. So
far, the side effects have been mild. Had a bit of soreness at the
injection site but that has mostly faded away and I did
feel lethargic and still do, but so far no fever,
headaches, nausea, et cetera. I did have some pain in my
right toe, but I attribute that to a gazelle-like move I
made in the kitchen yesterday when I banged it into the bottom of
a cabinet. And the scratch on my hand resulted from a fight I
had with one of the cats, who demanded I give up the last
bite of a tunafish sandwich. Not all my
luck has been bad, though. I did come across a two pound bag
of frozen lobster claws for $19 at the local Harris Teeter.
Bought these once before and they are great buy.
Oh, and I also received a poorly written email from a
pretty Slovakian lass of 26 who will "do anything" to come
to America. Heck, I haven't dated a pretty girl that young
since I was 47, so I forwarded her missive to my good buddy
Donald J. Trump, aka "the former guy," who, if the rumors
pan out, will be in the market for another European bride
later this year, after Melancholia cashes in her pre-nup and heads
back to her country of origin. But, as
Melancholia's jacket declared, "I don't care, do you?"
-- * Lock up Trump and his
family of grifters. * I'd say you are
finishing up your 3rd day After 72 hours have passed since
the injection, you will enter your 4th day. That makes
sense. Thanks. Hopefully, no new symptoms today or tomorrow
and then I presume I am "home-free" in terms of negative vaccination
side effects. My second shot was delayed a week because of our
"snow days" here. -- * Lock up Trump and his
family of grifters. * Slow going here for the shots.
They just started 80 year olds and up. Registration system failed
the first hour. We are expecting the new version from India that
is only 62% effective. Thank goodness they won't give it to the 65
and older crowd. Trouble is it will still be a month or two before
my age group ponys up. Some provinces are delaying the 2nd shot
to speed up the 1st shot for more people. Socialism sucks, eh?
-- Freedom Isn't Free!Sex the freeloader who gets his shots
from the 'merican gov't via the Veterans organization free of
charge.Got 'Sex' on the mind, Donna?That was Luddite, not me,
dip****.--Freedom Isn't Free!
I don't see Luddite's name anywhere on this thread's respondant list.
----Android NewsGroup Reader----
The John is seeing things.
Don, who pays for the vaccination shots in Canada?
Just to be clear, you should understand that the corvid vaccinations
in the USA are paid for by the US government for *everyone*.Â* You
don't need to be a Vet to get it for "free" (which it really isn't
I just got lucky in the lottery of things that the VA in my
area received an allotment of the Moderna vaccine sufficient
to make it available to all Vets in this area.
It's not so everywhere.
I assume the federal government as the agent of the people is
reimbursing the local governments or pharmacy chains or supermarkets for
the time of the personnel involved in doing the injections. My wife got
her shots at a big supermarket pharmacy in DC that was already set up to
do various vaccinations. I got mine at a county emergency supply/food
storage facility/warehouse with freezers that was set up as a
vaccination drive-through. In addition to the county health department
personnel handling the task, volunteer firefighters and off-duty county
police were outside, doing a bit of traffic directing.
The county health department here handled it all perfectly, from
announcing the on-line and phone availability of getting a reservation
to the on-line and phone reminders of your upcoming appointment to an
email announcing the delay because of inclement weather to a follow-up
email after the vaccination.
My wife had mild reactions to the second shot: a bit of nausea, sore
arm, weariness. I had a sore arm and some lower body muscular aches for
a night and two days of weariness. All gone now. Whew!