On Fri, 12 Mar 2021 17:47:43 -0500, Keyser Söze
On 3/12/21 5:27 PM, wrote:
On Fri, 12 Mar 2021 10:18:43 -0500 (EST), justan wrote:
Keyser Söze Wrote in message:r
https://ibb.co/nLVG10WWith trains, you don't have to deal with airports or long rides to and from the airport to your eventual destination. With trains, you usually don't have to deal with long lines. With trains, you don't have to deal with crappy seats, even the crappy seats in first class. With trains, you don't have to
contort yourself to pee standing up in the rest room. With trains, if the engine fails, the train simply comes to a stop.-- * Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *
Enjoy your choo choo trains dummy. You don't sound right. Have you
had your head examined lately?
Harry just likes the idea that he can off load 2/3ds of the cost of
his train ticket on the tax payer. It is like Biden spending $86
Billion, we don't have, bailing out the pension plans of corrupt
unions in the "covid" bill.
Oh, right, because air travel isn't subsidized and neither are the
producers of the fuel burned in planes, trains, and automobiles and
cruise ships, et cetera.
Nothing like Amtrack. You really have to stretch to compare the
"subsidy" of airlines to trains.
Why not give us examples if you are so sure.
Yeah the government operates air traffic control but you would lose
your mind if I suggested privatizing that. The Airlines do kick money
into that budget.
Airlines pay gate fees to use government airports.
Any so called fuel subsidy is the same as the subsidy for the diesel
the trains buy, the truckers buy or the gas for your car. It still
gets taxed.
Sure the middle east eats a big part of the DoD budget but that is
more about Israel than it is about oil. We don't depend on Saudi oil
anymore. We get far more from Canada and Mexico than the middle east
and we are a net exporter now.