On 3/12/2021 8:56 PM, Alex wrote:
They lowered the age requirement in our state, so my wife and I were
able to get our vaccines on Tuesday of this week.Â* The local
appointments were taken, but I was able to get us in at a Walgreens
Pharmacy about an hour away.
Yesterday I had a slightly sore arm, a dull headache and felt a little
funky.Â* Today I feel fine. My wife just had a sore arm but it's still
with her, and is apparently worse than mine was.
The second dose is coming up the first week of April.Â* I'm ready to
get it done and over with.
Got my first Pfizer shot today about 10 hours ago.Â* So far, so good.
Received the second Moderna dose Saturday morning. Felt fine other than
the typical sore arm for the rest of the day.
Woke up next morning (Sunday) and had a sense of low energy. Didn't feel
100%. By early afternoon I developed teeth chattering chills and a dull
headache but they only lasted a hour or so. Monday I felt 100 percent
Mrs.E. received first Moderna Sunday. Sore arm only so far. Second dose
scheduled in April.
My daughter received her first Moderna dose yesterday because she works
for a agency providing aid to disadvantaged and homeless. She developed
a severe reaction in her arm and the EMT required her to wait for almost
an hour in the "observation" area instead of the regular 15 minutes.
My grandson's fiance is a nurse working in a hospital emergency room.
A woman was brought in who tested positive for corvid-19 and was
obviously mentally ill. She was screaming at everyone and had to be
restrained with straps on the gurney.
She spit at my grandson's fiance and even with a facemask and
mask, it got in her eye. She had been fully vaccinated but is still
going to be in isolated quarantine for 14 days.
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