Finally got my appointment...
On Mon, 05 Apr 2021 12:23:40 -0400, Wayne B
On Mon, 05 Apr 2021 07:01:38 -0400, John wrote:
On Sun, 04 Apr 2021 11:30:05 -0400, Wayne B
On Sun, 04 Apr 2021 07:19:44 -0400, John wrote:
Trump ought to end up in prison for
the various horrors he perpetrated on this country.
Wayne probably agrees wholeheartedly with that, even though it's bull****.
That will eventually be decided by the justice system, not by internet
discussion groups. I've always considered you to be a "law and order"
type of guy so I find it interesting that you're so quick to dismiss
Trump's questionable behavior just because you support his policy
Trump perpetrated no 'horrors' upon this country.
That will eventually be determined by the justice system. It seems
likely that neither your opinion, Harry's, or mine will have much
effect on the outcome.
You think the justice system may find him guilty of 'perpetuating horrors on
this country'? You must have a broad definition of 'horror'. A lot of property
owners and folks experienced *real* horror during the riots this past summer. Of
course, those were just 'peaceful protests'. Bull****.
And, FWIW, I dismiss none of Trump's illegal activities (once adjudicated as
such) regardless of my support for his policy goals.
Freedom Isn't Free!