On 4/5/21 4:49 PM, True North wrote:
On Monday, 5 April 2021 at 17:10:49 UTC-3, wrote:
On Sun, 4 Apr 2021 19:38:50 -0700 (PDT), True North
On Sunday, 4 April 2021 at 13:20:16 UTC-3, justan wrote:
True North Wrote in message:r
On Sunday, 4 April 2021 at 11:26:40 UTC-3, justan wrote: True North Wrote in message:r On Sunday, 4 April 2021 at 08:42:57 UTC-3, justan wrote: John Wrote in message:r On Fri, 2 Apr 2021 08:15:14 -0400, Keyser Söze wrote:On 4/1/21 5:47 PM, True
North wrote: For my 1st Covid shot.Maybe we I show up at the vaccine center a short walk from my house on Saturday, April 17 at 1440 hrs. My 2nd will be put off until the same time on July 31, unless our health people come to their senses and follow the original protocol. Good thing our new cases average between 0 and 2
cases a day. Looks like we aren't too far behind all y'all privileged pampered 'mericans. Thanks to Joe Biden and his team, the vaccine is rolling out in large numbers. Had Trump been re-elected, another half million Americans would be dead and he'd still be in denial. Trump ought to end up in prison for the various
horrors he perpetrated on this country.Wayne probably agrees wholeheartedly with that, even though it's bull****.--Freedom Isn't Free! He certainly has a newfound propensity for imbibing in it. -- Thanks Donald. Do you miss him yet? ----Android NewsGroup Reader----
https://piaohong.s3-us-west-2.amazon...index.htmlWhat the 'ell?Here it is Easter Sunday, the most important day of the year for true Christians, and all y'all want to do is throw crap at others.While all y'all girliemen are out prancing around in your Easter bonnets, I woke up to freezing rain and minus 1 C temperature.
You are unbelievably stupid, no matter what day it is. If you don't likre the climate, move. -- Thanks Donald. Do you miss him yet? ----Android NewsGroup Reader---- https://piaohong.s3-us-west-2.amazon...index.htmlYeah but....one of our perfect days are worth 10 of your high humidity, high heat summer
Only 10? I have to imagine it gets pretty damp in skoshaville
summer and winter.
Thanks Donald. Do you miss him yet?
----Android NewsGroup Reader----
It's no country for girliemen so y'all need not apply.
Girly men are the ones who wear long johns and parkas. Man up Mary.
Dressing in appropriate attire is just common sense.
Not to worry, we have nice warm rooms where we could house y'all, where you'll be safe as a bug in a rug. (from yourself and your demons)
Two coldest days of my life...the first, one winter day in Grand Rapids,
Michigan, while attending the Democratic state convention, and the
second, in Thunder Bay, Ontario, where, I was told, if you peed, it
would freeze before it hit the ground.
* Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *