Finally got my appointment...
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jun 2016
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Finally got my appointment...
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On Tue, 06 Apr 2021 17:47:44 -0400, Wayne wrote:On Tue, 06 Apr 2021 16:45:14 -0400,
wrote:On Tue, 06 Apr 2021 14:20:39 -0400, Wayne wrote:On Tue, 06 Apr 2021 13:01:36 -0400,
wrote:On Tue, 6 Apr 2021 08:03:11 -0400, Keyser wrote:On 4/6/21 12:43 AM,
wrote: On Mon, 5 Apr 2021 21:43:50 -0400 (EDT), justan wrote:
Wrote in message:r On Mon, 05 Apr 2021 18:28:11 -0400, Wayne wrote:On Mon, 05 Apr 2021 12:47:31 -0400, John wrote:On Mon, 05 Apr 2021 12:23:40 -0400, Wayne B wrote:On Mon, 05 Apr 2021 07:01:38 -0400, John wrote:OnSun, 04 Apr 2021 11:30:05 -0400, Wayne B wrote: On Sun, 04 Apr 2021 07:19:44 -0400, John wrote: Trump ought to end up in prison for the various horrors he perpetrated on this country.Wayne probably agrees wholeheartedly with that, eventhough it's bull****.===That will eventually be decided by the justice system, not by internetdiscussion groups. I've always considered you to be a "law and order"type of guy so I find it interesting that you're so quick to dismissTrump's questionable behavior just because you support his policygoals.Trump perpetrated no 'horrors' upon this country.===That will eventually be determined by the justice system. It seemslikely that neither your opinion, Harry's, or mine will have mucheffect on the outcome.You think the justice system may find him guilty of 'perpetuatinghorrorsonthis country'? You must have a broad definition of 'horror'. A lot of propertyowners and folks experienced *real* horror during the riots this past summer. Ofcourse, those were just 'peaceful protests'. Bull****.And, FWIW, I dismiss none of Trump's illegal activities (once adjudicated assuch) regardless of mysupportfor his policy goals.===I think that if you look back at the origin of this thread you'll findthat "horror" was Harry's choice of words, not mine. That said, Iregard any attempt to subvert a free and valid election, which thecourts have ruled, to be very serious. Hopefully you do also.The riots of last summer, andthe resulting damage, are a totallyseparate issue. It could be argued however that Trump's inflammatoryrhetoric was at least partially responsible. Loose cannons rollingaround on deck can do a lot of damage. (please note clever boatingreference)If this was the first time cities burned, I might agree with you. Letssee ifyoublame Biden in a week when Minneapolis goes up in flames. I'm sure that the Floyd family will donate a substantial amount of the 27 million to rebuilding the destruction that will be done in Floyds behalf. I bet Crump took $13.5 million of it already. Just for fun, let's take a perfectly healthy white cop who has never had a drink or taken opioids or had a tough life and have a big guy step on his neck for nine minutes and 29 seconds and see what happens...Since there was no sign of trauma and asphyxiation in the originalautopsy report, nothing. He was just restrained.I also pointed out, if he had at any time said "I give up, I will getin the car" the whole thing would have been over. If you fight with the cops or refuse to obey a lawful order from thembad **** happens. It is interesting that you and Wayne don't seem to have any trouble atall with the cops shooting an unarmed white woman for trespassing tho.===It was much more than trespassing - more like breaking and enteringcombined with assault or attempted assault. I firmly believe the copthought that he and/or members of congress were in danger, and theyprobably were.Yet Babbitt was the only one actually killed and only one cop thoughtit was necessary with all of those people in there. If this is the new response, I am OK with it but be consistent. Shootthe next people attacking a federal building. Maybe Portland, Chicago, Minneapolis and the riots in the other citieswould have been stopped quicker if the cops shot as soon as they felta little threatened. Oh wait, that is what started that mess in the first place. Good thing Babbitt was white huh?===Probably so. It was her mistake to be leading the charge trying to break down thedoor to the inner chamber. She might have been the only one in good enough shape to climb throughthat window. You have to remember 3 protestors and a cop died from cardiopulmonaryproblems that day and I saw a whole lot of BMI 30+ folks huffing andpuffing trying to get up those steps.
I think you and Wayne ought to have another look at the videos. If
I recall correctly she was carried to the front of the pack and
helped through the window.
Thanks Donald. Do you miss him yet?
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