Wayne B Wrote in message:r
On Fri, 09 Apr 2021 22:53:44 -0400, wrote:On Fri, 09 Apr 2021 09:50:15 -0400, Wayne wrote:On Fri, 09 Apr 2021 08:12:29 -0400, John wrote:Sorry Harry and Wayne:https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/04/08/amazon-bessemer-mailbox-union/===What makes you think I'm a union supporter?He just wasn't sure where your Trump derangement has taken you. ;-)===I've said this before but I'll repeat: I agreed with many of Trump'spolicies. What I didn't agree with was his total lack of moral fiber,lack of decency, lack of respect for the facts, lack of respect forscience, and most of all, lack of respect for the democraticprinciples that this country was founded on. I would have muchpreferred that he had been replaced by a moderate republican.Unfortunately they are hard to find these days, and most are smartenough to not sully their reputations in today's political climate.It doesn't bode well for the future.
Funny You could attribute those same chaaracteristics to Biden,
but for some reason you don't see it. Moral fiber is lacking in
most, if not all politicians. Facts? Biden ignores them.
Democratic principles? That needs clarification to debate.
Decency? Biden did such a fine job raising his son, right? When
you put a D or a R next to the states with the biggest
Coronavirus problems, gun violence and crime you will see a
pattern which will be a prime issue in 22 and 24. It's pretty
clear to me that your vision is clouded by your extreme hatred of
Donald Trump. And I'm sure your feelings for New York politicians
are about the same. Right?
Thanks Donald. Do you miss him yet?
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