"Mr. Luddite" Wrote in message:r
On 4/20/2021 11:21 AM, justan wrote: "Mr. Luddite" Wrote in message:r Been thinking about the race related violence and deaths that seem to be constantly in the news. The media is fixated on the issue of racialprofiling of minorities, especially black folks who are often being singled out for stopping by police for minor traffic infractions that escalate into arrests, resisting and too often violence that result in deaths.My thought:When a officer stops a vehicle for a minor traffic infraction,he or she runs a "check" via radio on the driver's (and sometimespassenger's) license or ID. That check automatically includes asearch for any outstanding warrants for that person. If a warrantexists, the person is often cuffed and arrested .... not for theminor traffic infraction that they were stopped for ... but forthe outstanding bench warrant.This often turns into resisting arrest with violent results.This is standard operating procedure for law enforcement.Not blaming them ... it's just "how it's done".Maybe that needs to change.What if outstanding warrants were not automatically included inthe "check" at the time of the vehicle being stopped?The stop should be only related to the crime or infraction that causedthe police to stop the person, be it for speeding, a brokentail light or whatever. It should not be an excuse to check foranything else, based on the officer's suspicions.If a person has an outstanding warrant, the search for him or heris a different issue altogether and other means of apprehendingthe person should be used, specifically with the warrant beingthe issue.-- This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.https://www.avg.com I wholeheartedly and unequivically disagree with your proposal. :-) That's ok. I won't hold it against you. :-)I don't think I have been clear enough butthe heck with it. I guess we'll just haveto keep doing things the same way over andover and over with no progress ever madeor expected.
Thanks Donald. Do you miss him yet?
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