On 4/22/21 8:59 PM, Keyser Soze wrote:
On Thu, 22 Apr 2021 17:38:46 -0400, Keyser Söze
On 4/22/21 5:30 PM, wrote:
On Thu, 22 Apr 2021 15:45:04 -0400 (EDT), justan wrote:
Keyser Söze Wrote in message:r
So, I am playing around with a "new" version of Windoze 10 rewritten
for ARM CPUs, and while it works ok, it is just as clunky as I
remember Windoze 7 being. Just messing with it because there are a
few computer games I like from a decade or so ago that were never
neatly ported over to Macs directly or via STEAM. Windows is
WORD for Windows...just completely too complex and overblown. Blech.
I'm running Windoze on my MacBook via Parallels 16.5, which does work
nicely.-- * Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *
Ask Greg if he'd sell you an XP machine.
I will give him one for the shipping but I thinned out the herd a
while ago and most of them are gone.
I have a W/98 laptop I am not using these days. It has a SCSI card and
everything. ;-)
I used to use it on my 11x14 scanner. I don't use that anymore. It is
also my FAX machine. I don't use that either.
OTOH I can boot up native DOS 6.3 and W/3.1 on this machine just by
moving the boot pointer to my FAT drive.
I still have an XP laptop but it is mostly to hook up to my outboard
and cars. It has the software for OBDII and YDIS on it. I am not sure
if that will run on 7 or not but I don't feel like screwing with
something that works.
Windoze 10 runs nicely under Parallels 16.5 on my MacBook Air. Runs
really fast, too...the Parallels folks have stepped up to the plate. I
still don't like Windoze as an OS because it is just too fattttt and
clunky, but it is easy enough to setup and run. In fact, once I "told"
Parallels to install the Windoze ARM file, the entire process was fast
and required no attention from me. I'm only going to use the Windoze
setup to run a few of my old, favorite games.
I agree Windoze is a bloated pig but IOS isn't a lightweight either.
Just how big is your machine?
I am doing just fine with 3g of RAM and a dual core Intel 2.4gz
processor running 7.
I am planning to bump this up to 8g but the guys sent me the wrong
chips so I am still watching for the mail man.
The only thing that grinds this down is Facebook. That bloated pig
eats over 2g all by itself after a while., It is like, once they start
a script, they never stop it and just keep piling new ones on. I can
"X" out and restart it and it is OK until I run a while. Then it
starts slowing down again and I am paging like a mo fo. I even have an
SSD C: drive and that makes it better but task manager tells me I am
choked for RAM.
Gave up my FAX machine years ago. I use FAXzero on the rare occasions
three times a year when I have an outgoing FAX.
I only have one machine hooked to Telco now and it is my W/98 laptop.
The fax program on it is pretty good tho. I have sent exactly one fax
since 2002 when my inspector contract expired.
That one was a waste of time.
My scanner uses
USB...don't recall ever using a SCSI scanner.
This old HP flatbed predates USB. I only liked it because 11x14 was
the smallest plan you could submit to Lee DCD (permit people). I could
draw up a plan on my CAD, Judy could print it at work on their big
printer and I could scan it after it was stamped.
It is pretty high resolution so it also makes it fast to scan a bunch
of pictures.
I do have a few USB scanners around here too but they are just
slightly oversized single page scanners.
Machine size: laptop has 16 GB of ram and 500 GB solid state drive. One
step up from standard issue. Desktop has 64 GB of ram and 500 GB solid
state drive. I only scan simple documents. Wife has better multi page
scanner to accommodate the long documents she has to scan. Nothing hooked
up to telco copper…we no longer have telco lines.
BTW, RAM sticks and SSD drives have come WAY down in price the last few
years. You can buy a top of the line, fast external 500 GB SSD for $60
to $75 and 64 GB of RAM sticks for under $200. Revolving drives for the
most part are obsolete.
* Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *