Gasoline Availability Good Locally
On Friday, May 14, 2021 at 4:01:23 PM UTC-4, Mr. Luddite wrote:
On 5/14/2021 2:35 PM, wrote:
On Friday, May 14, 2021 at 2:21:17 PM UTC-4, wrote:
On Fri, 14 May 2021 07:08:29 -0400, "Mr. Luddite"
On 5/13/2021 11:50 PM, wrote:
On Wed, 12 May 2021 10:51:07 -0400, Keyser Söze
Three of the four gas stations in our area had product to sell and no
lines. The big volume dealer -WaWa- was sold out and awaiting a tank
truck delivery later today.
We had spot shortages here and we don't even get our gas from that
pipe. Nobody in the peninsula does. It was just panic buying AKA a
media driven emergency. Now that everyone has every gas can and
tupperware bowl full of gas, supplies are recovering. I still got gas
yesterday at my regular station no line no problem regular price.
Cracks me up though. Responding to the alternative methods to deliver
fuel, Biden's Energy Secretary stated that the pipelines
are the better way to transport it even though her boss axed the
Keystone pipeline.
Then she thumbed her typical liberal nose at the public by saying
that if people used electric vehicles, they wouldn't be experiencing
these fuel shortages. She also happens to own stock in an electric
bus manufacturer that Biden visited to promote.
The value of her stock holdings are potentially worth $ millions
and she has not divested her holdings even though there's a
conflict of interest issue.
But what really cracks me up is none of these electric vehicle
advocates ever mention where the energy comes from to charge
up their electric vehicle batteries. The vast bulk of it is
generated by fossil fuel plants. Plus, whenever energy is
transformed from one state to another there are losses involved.
Laws of physics prevail.
There are also the I2R losses in the transmission lines. A while ago
one of my inspector trade rags had a story "How hot are those
conductors?" talking about how hot some transmission lines run and how
that affects line sag but the fact remains that is waste heat going
into the air.
It is hard to get the utilities to say how much power is wasted in
transmission and the crazy bookkeeping they use on the grid makes
those numbers hard to actually believe when you see them but it is a
pretty big number if your power is coming from very far away.
I2R still wins in the end.
I'm sure you know that's the reason the transmission lines are run at such a high voltage.
It minimizes he losses, but there are still some. The company I used to work for put in
some equipment for a regional power company some years ago. They told me about an
incident where, in the middle of the summer in a coastal SC area, a transmission line that was
hot and sagging separated at a badly crimped barrel "butt" splice. No one was there to see it,
but when it separated it produced a fireball that, when it hit the ground, blew a big enough hole
to drive a truck down into and hide it. They said there were clumps of fused sand laying around.
That would have been cool to see, just not too close up.
Some of the "high tension" power lines run at *very* high voltages ...
in some cases in excess of 200,000 volts.
Yes. Not many, but some run at about 1 million volts. That's pretty crazy..
There are youtube videos of guys that shoot an arrow over one of those lines, and tied to
that arrow is fishing line. They then take a fine copper wire and tie it to the end of the fishing line,
and hook the other end to a metal stake in the ground. Using the other end of the fishing line
they pull the copper wire up to the power line. It's like a lightning strike, and vaporizes the wire.
The couple of them I've seen had audio after the strike of laughter and Russian. Crazy Russians!
Personally I'm not touching that fishing line, no matter what.