On Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at 2:27:20 PM UTC-4, Mr. Luddite wrote:
On 6/8/2021 1:32 PM, justan wrote:
Carmella is trying to butter up the press that she took to
Venezuela. She gave them cookies shaped in her likeness. How
Also she denies with a silly giggle that she hasn't yet visited
the border. Sweetie, those mysterious trips to Tiajuana don't
count. She might just be a bigger embarrassment to the Democrats
than Joey.
What on earth were they thinking when they annointed her heir to
the throne?
I just watched the interview she had with Lester Holt on NBC.
She is a disgusting, lying, inexperienced politician.
Sorta hope Biden stays healthy for four years.
Oh, my. Where is Wayne proclaiming that Kammy and Hiden Biden are "adults"?
Those two are perhaps the slimiest to occupy the WH. Oh, I forgot about the Clintons for a moment.