Nah, he just wants you to think that. A buddy who's met him told me he was
passed out on the floor after 2 Bud Lights.
"sv "Sensoria"" wrote in message
Get Mooron drunk and steal his. (when he returns)
Did I mention a need a cheap way of getting this bluechart...... 
By the way.....Mooron drinks like a fish....I tell no lie....
He drinks only overproof...... as I think that is the only poison that
"might" give him a slight buzz....
"Scott Vernon" wrote in message
Get Mooron drunk and steal his. (when he returns)
"SV" wrote in message
Anybody want to trade Road maps Of North America for the Marine
.....for the Germin V
Heard lots of people here have sailboats but never sail 
Seriously I'm looking to add just a Chart of Nova Scotia to the's
been real foggy here of late.....
What is the cheapest way?