Databasix ISP plain out~~ just sucks
(Capt.American) scraped it's fingers across
the chalkboard known as usenet and produced a sound amazing like
in alt.sailing.asa:
Has to be the worst server going.
It's true...Databasix sucks.
It's run on an old Pentium 233mmx with 32 megs of ram and a 2 gig
drive. And that's *after* the big upgrade!!
Anyone that uses the crappy service they provide has to
be a flaming idiot!
It's true...there's all kinds of flaming of idiots that happens from
Databasix! It's happening right here in alt.sailing.asa!!
They overcharge for substandard service.
****ing yea...I want my money back!!
Oh...wait a minute....I haven't paid...It's free.
Well ok then.
Slow to reply to assistance,
It's true...I asked Gary Burnore for help painting my house and he
offered no assistance at all. THAT *******!! And it it took him weeks
to tell me he wasn't going to help!! That *******!!
and refuse to provide a contact telephone number.
That's true. Databasix refuses to provide a contact telephone number.
And I know why....Gary doesn't want phone calls from whiny netKKKop's
like you.
Take this advice, KEEP LOOKING!
Yes...keep looking...Look far and wide, etc.
Capt. American
Do you wear tights?
K. A. Cannon
kacannon at databasix dot com
(change the con to com to reply)
"Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into
the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."
- Nietsche
"The person who stands up and says, 'This is stupid,' either is asked to
`behave' or, worse, is greeted with a cheerful 'Yes, we know! Isn't it
terrific!'" - Frank Zappa