Thread: finally done
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Pony Express
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Default finally done

Wrong. And the reason is the same as why I wouldn't be able to hire you.
We require a complete background check.
S/V Pony Express

"Simple Simon" wrote in message
You're wrong! Half of them are instructors the other half are molesters.

"Pony Express" wrote in message

You're all three wrong. They're INSTRUCTORS!
S/V Pony Express

wrote in message
On 17 Aug 2003 14:04:44 GMT, (Bobsprit) wrote:

neither do the ''councilors.

Scotty's best come-back in two years.
A spelling correction.



Especially hilarious when you are BOTH wrong. The people who work with

kids at a
camp are camp COUNSELORS, not camp councilors, or camp counsilers.