Our dog, a standard poodle named Chopper, has been sailing with us since =
puppyhood. He has an exceptionally strong bladder and incentive to hold =
on what he's got (which comes from decent training). We dinghy him =
in...sometimes we drive the boat up to the docks, I leap off with the =
dog, mr. sails takes a turn around the mooring field, and voila! we're =
back and on board....Choppie jumps from the back of the transom into the =
dinghy and jumps off the dock into the dinghy on command. Some people =
don't want to do all the dinghying stuff, so they either teach the dog =
to go down the scuppers or put astro-turf on the bow, which to me, is =
very gross and disgusting. Little dogs can be trained to use litter =
boxes just like cats...at least then it's contained somewhere and not =
out in the open and offensive.
s/v Chanteuse
Kirie Elite 32
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax
and get used to the idea." - Robert A. Heinlein