Dogs on yachts?
You Yanks are really geographically challenged.... it's a Belgian Barge
Dog. I hate it when they crop tails and dock ears. Nice little dog though.
Good Luck...
"Capt.American" wrote in message
| "katysails" wrote in message
| Our dog, a standard poodle named Chopper, has been sailing with us since
| puppyhood. He has an exceptionally strong bladder and incentive to hold
| on what he's got (which comes from decent training). We dinghy him
| in...sometimes we drive the boat up to the docks, I leap off with the
| dog, mr. sails takes a turn around the mooring field, and voila! we're
| back and on board....Choppie jumps from the back of the transom into the
| dinghy and jumps off the dock into the dinghy on command. Some people
| don't want to do all the dinghying stuff, so they either teach the dog
| to go down the scuppers or put astro-turf on the bow, which to me, is
| very gross and disgusting. Little dogs can be trained to use litter
| boxes just like least then it's contained somewhere and not
| out in the open and offensive.
| Hello Katy,
| Here in Maui I've meet a couple from Holland that have a dog called a
| Schipperky, thats German for little Captain. He's a small all black
| dog that is awesome on a boat, No tail, they love to swim, the do not
| smell like a wet dog when they are wet. He's been 3/4 the way around
| the earth via sail and has never lived ashore. They put a small 2'X 2'
| piece of canvas on the deck near the stern that the dog uses every
| time. They just toss it overboard and rinse it and put it back on
| deck. You can not row up to their boat without that dog barking. The
| dog also barks every time the bilge pump cuts on. He told me the dogs
| where raised in Antwerp to guard barges on the canals in Europe. They
| are also used to De-rat the barges and boats. Hes excellent at eating
| crabs, he catches his own and does a great job killing and eating
| them. He's the coolest dog I've ever seen and the perfect size for a
| boat, and he sure aint no sissy poodle. Everwhere Jergen goes on or
| off that boat his dog is by his side. I'm getting a puppy ASAP.
| Capt. American