OT - The Govornator?
"Clams Canino" wrote in message
. net...
OK.......... I'll give in. Something new to banter about??? LOL
Regardless how you feel about the idea of a "recall" election, the fact is
California has a new Govorner elect.
So.... do you think Arnold can do the job?
My take is that he's a moderate Republican that your average Demacrat can
live with. But can he fix the huge bugetary problems California has? How do
you think he'll do in general at the job of Govorner? Will his obvious ties
to the Democratic heierarchy help him get bi-partisan support?
1. Don't let the discussion turn into endless silly comparisons between the
"Gropeinator" and Clintons blow jobs. Let's assume Arnie won't be slapping
any asses - at least while he's in office.
2. Don't get into the rathole of blaming all Californias money troubles on
the "Bush Economy". Regardless of the national situation, California is in
an economic toilet much deeper than the national average.
Why bother with speculation???? It proves nothing. Let's see what he does addressing
California's huge fiscal problem. Then open the discussion on how he is doing.
Right or wrong, he was elected by the citizens of California to lead their State. Give
him a chance to stumble or shine.
Save your speculations for the race track.