OT - The Govornator?
"Clams Canino" wrote in message
. net...
For those of us OUTSIDE of California - this is a spectator sport. The
entertainment Arnold will be providing us with is how well he does his new
job. I have some reservations sure, but he's someone I'd never count out
"Jim -" wrote in message news:MX2hb.526090
Why bother with speculation???? It proves nothing. Let's see what he
does addressing
California's huge fiscal problem. Then open the discussion on how he is
Right or wrong, he was elected by the citizens of California to lead
State. Give
him a chance to stumble or shine.
Save your speculations for the race track.
Well, first I hope the LA times folds over their latest headline, or at
least lose a billion or so dollars. The "Gropenfurer". As to the election.
Arnold has done well as a business man. More money from real estate than
movies. Most of the refurbed area of Santa Monica his because of him.
Listening to KGO this morning. Major, very major talk radio in the SFO area
and very liberal. Lady called in and said she voted for Arnold, and was a
Democrat. All the calls from Clinton, Jesse Jackson, Willie Brown saying
that Arnold was bad and a women abuser told her that the Dem's were dying.
All the major proved womanizers calling upset her greatly. Already the
President Pro Tem of the House said that he was not going to cut anything if
it affected kids, women and children and put the blame on the Bush
Recession. Recession my ass. The state in the last 4 years went from a $24
billion surplus to a $38 billion deficit, while at the same time revenues
increased $24 billion. A budget that grew from 60 Billion to $108 billion.
Dept. Fish and game had 4 deputy directors in 1990, now there are 160. When
the last governor left office there were 4 lawyers working for DFG, now
there are 169. 169 is not a misprint. At the same time they have decreased
the wardens and biologists and hatchery workers. This is just one
department of the state. Prison guards union gave a million + to Davis and
at the same time he was cutting children's health services, they were
getting a 30% raise. Is why he was overwhelming tossed as Gov. Arnold was
the only candidate that actually campaigned on the facts that showed the job
Davis was miss manageing. His charisma helped also. And Bustamante was
scaring everybody with his ideas. Raise spending and taxes! Open the
border wide open, etc. I feel Arnold will surround himself with good
people. Not just yes men per Davis.