new boat buying process
On 07 Oct 2003 14:42:09 GMT, Gould 0738 wrote:
True enough, but would other companies have treated the owners so badly?
The mishandling of the situation can be laid at the doorstep of the individual
sales agency. The builder was responsible for the original error, the error in
judgment and
in customer relations was the result of dealing with a particular branch of a
particular business. It's like any other product. If you bought a Buick from a
dealer it reflects most directly on the dealer and not at all on the Buick
factory; but it is likely to leave you, individually, somewhat soured on buying
another Buick. Did the guy who bought a Buick from the dealer on the other side
of town get screwed or get a "bad car" because that dealer's competitor is a
schmuck? Of course not.
Yes, but if the story is true (and I have no basis to believe it isn't),
then there is plenty of guilt to go around, both to the dealer and the
company who manufactured it. Luckily for me, in my case at least, I was
treated well by both: Profile Motorsports and Bombardier. In essence, the
fault belonged to neither: Mercury manufactured the motor, but I had no
contact with them. Apparently, the dealer wanted to keep me happy, and the
manufacture wanted to keep the dealer happy.
email is rapp at lmr dot com