Peter J Ross wrote in
On Fri, 22 Aug 2003 20:45:54 -0300, a team of surgeons from
alt.sailing.asa removed the following benign growth from Capt. Mooron:
Aw CRAP!!!
Tried to make a shorter link... didn't work... need html
here damn it
Even though I have a splendidly clueless CNotM nominee of my own, I
thought that Mooron's theory that you need HTML to use was clueless enough to be worth sharing.
He's prety clueless, alright. I thought his queries abou tcascades were
pretty amusing.
Who's your nominee, BTW?
"Donal" wrote in message
| "Capt. Mooron" wrote in message
| ...
| This is worth the look...
| The Daily Show
| The vid clip had me in stitches.....
| Thanks for sharing that with us.
| Regards
| Donal
| --