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Default Paper charts are for Wannabees

Don't you even dare to think that thought.

I will if you persist in such a lubberly fashion...electronic charts? =
Where's the romance? Where's the glory? What about all those pathetic =
little pencil marks, lovingly placed every trip with each new find? =
What if someone blows the friggin satellite up? What f you can't get =
near enough to a K-Mart to get new ones (let alone steal new ones like =
one person here)? Perre, you've been brainwashed into the 2st century. =
Technology isn't everything. I refuse to give up my wonderful rolled up =
charts (BTW, we buy them on proected paper). I refuse to give up the =
compass and dividers. =20
s/v Chanteuse
Kirie Elite 32

"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax
and get used to the idea." - Robert A. Heinlein