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Default Radar and Basic Nav.

"Capt. Mooron" wrote in message
Generally I find that women are at a loss when it comes to spatial

I have a theory about this. It is non-sexist!!

I think that, in our society, boys are encouraged to play ball games much
more than girls are! Soccer, tennis, football and baseball ALL rqquire the
ability to anticipate where the ball is going to be at a point in the
future. These sports help to develop spatial awareness. Girls were not
encouraged to play these games in the past.

A man will usually automatically know the extended limits of
an automobile when he sits in one. Women depend on mirrors and the visual
depth of field at a specific spot to determine this.

My wife doesn't. She doesn't use the mirror at all! She recently
reversed into the bloody house - and broke a rear light!!

25 years ago, I tried to teach her how to drive. Geeeze, that was a
disaster! We had a MAJOR row after she refused to look in the mirror before
pulling out into the road. She *knew* that there wasn't any traffic because
it was a quiet Sunday afternoon.

After that, she got a driving instructor.

