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Default 2/3 of Democrats are idiots

2-in-3 Can't Name Any Dem Candidate

September 2, 2003

Washington Times headline: "Enthusiasm for Democrats Low Poll Shows."
Quote: "Labor Day weekend traditionally involves heavy presidential
politicking, but a poll released yesterday shows that Democrats are
off to a sluggish start as a large majority of voters are unable to
name a single candidate." This, my friends, is a CBS/New York Times
poll. Now, how can this be? We supposedly have this juggernaut out
there of Howard Dean!

The mainstream press tells us that Dean is about to take over. Dean is
the favorite; he's rocking the political world. Mo "Half of those
surveyed in this poll also said they wanted more choices than the
current nine-candidate field. Two-thirds could not name one of the
Democratic presidential candidates unprompted. Senator Joe Lieberman
of Connecticut led the poll with 14%, followed by Gephardt with 11%,
and Howard Dean with 10%." I'm telling you, the truth is that this
party is in big trouble. The 2002 election was a harbinger of things
to come, not an exception.

Ave Imperator Bush!
Bush Was Right! Four More Years!