Radar and Basic Nav.
Subject: Radar and Basic Nav.
From: "Simple Simon"
OOPS, hit the wrong button ..... to continue .....
"Shen44" wrote in message
What watch does the Captain stand?
He gets to stand the watch of his choice.
Who is the designated "Navigation Officer"?
The Mate
Who steers the ship at sea .... in port?
At sea the helmsman steers, in port the pilot steers.
What are the 3M's duties?
Don't know what a 3M is - speak English!
Who maintains the radio log?
The Mate
What is a deadmans switch?
A switch that closes when not held open by the operator
How many whistle controls, on the bridge?
Automatic or manual?
How many EOT's?
EOT cranes on the bridge? None.
Wrong. If you knew what was going on, you'd know that an EOT is an Engine Order
How many methods of steering on the bridge?
Wrong At least three and sometimes more.
What are "Noon slips" and how many are there?
Positions at noon. There are three.
Wrong. (Not enough info) What are the three?
Who keeps the Bell Log?
Which Mate? partial....at last.
What's in a Bell Log?
Commands and times, things like full astern, full ahead.
It often contains of a standard set of symbols.
How often do you have to wind the course recorder?
Once a day if before the electronic age. You don't wind
the electronic ones.
Wrong. They were 8 day clocks
G just a few, Neal .... let's see how you do
Better than you thought, huh.
Nope, worse ... I gave you credit, you obviously didn't deserve.