Radar and Basic Nav.
Subject: Radar and Basic Nav.
From: "Simple Simon"
Hey, I got most of them right.
No, you got most of them wrong, which means you flunked this test for Master
and proves my point that you don't have a clue as to what's going on on a ship.
Just because you responded with 'wrong' every time
because my answers didn't match yours perfectly
doesn't mean I was wrong.
Everytime I responded with wrong, the answer was so far incorrect or showed a
total lack of knowledge, it deserved a "WRONG".
The only ones I really missed was the EOT
and I was right because my use of EOT is
just as valid as yours. Unless your explain
the initials they can mean whatever they are
valid for.
You're great at making excuses for your lack of knowledge, but as per usual, it
doesn't cut it.
The subject in question was what goes on on a bridge of a ship .... you say you
know it all, yet you don't know the simple initials EOT, used frequently
onboard a ship.
You missed most answers.
All my Mate answers were right. A first, second
and third Mate is still a Mate.
If you had any experience or knowledge of a ship, you'd know this to be
incorrect. Mates on a ship, are specific as to duties and experience level to
be expected. For instance, what are the duties of the Chief Mate?
My answer for a deadman's switch is also
correct. It's the accepted use of the term.
We're talking ships here, your answer was/is wrong.
If the captain doesn't stand a watch then he's
not doing his job. A watch doen't have to be
one continuous length of time. Any time the
captain is involved and giving orders he's on
watch. Only when he's sleeping or otherwise
indisposed is he not on watch.
LOL You keep trying anyway, but again, it doesn't cut it. The above is also
Watches on ships are normally 4 hours, on the bridge. The Master stands none of
these (unless he's bored or wants to monitor a new Mate).
A Master is ON CALL, 24/7 and is on watch the whole time, awake or asleep, but,
that is not what we were asking, and as expected, you blew it.
You're just upset because I've never even
been on the bridge of a big ship and I
managed to get most of your questions
LOL I'm not upset .... I'm smiling, cause most of the questions I asked were
simple and basic and easily quessed, if someone had any shipboard time .....
once again ....you flunked ..... I really expected you to do better.
Give me a day or two training and I could
easily run a big ship successfully.
G Would probably take you that long to find the bridge.
that, *I* would slow down to safe speed and
give sailboats and other vessels that sounded
one prolonged/two short blasts their rightful
stand-on status in restricted visibility.
EG No you wouldn't.