Radar and Basic Nav.
Subject: Radar and Basic Nav.
From: "Simple Simon"
OK, turnabout is fair play so I'll play your game by asking you if
you're asking about the duties of a Chief Mate Class 1 or a
Chief Mate Class 2.
LOL In other words you don't know the answer.
As to your question - neither.
I'm asking about ships, that sail upon oceans (i.e. what we've been
so that means a Mate, who holds a license which says:
Chief Mate of Steam and Motor Vessels of Any Gross Tons Upon Oceans .....
You should've known about the different classes of Chief Mates.
There are licenses and then there are positions aboard a ship.
It shows your knowledge is a little lacking.
ROFL I gotta hear this .... please do explain ..... lets assume by the way, I
was talking about a particular license and above, that held a particular
position aboard a ship. I'm dying to hear your discription of Class1 and Class2
(would love to know which book he's reading)
But, to answer your
question, because I most certainly do know the answer, a Chief
Mate's duties include:
Reporting to the Master as the head of the Deck Department and
assuming responsibility and command of the ship in the absence or
disability of the Master. He's responsible for personnel and the
proper operation, maintenance, and safety of equipment and spaces
under Deck Department jurisdiction. (EOT cranes, for instance!)
So far, right out of someone's book .....
The Chief plans and supervises work of Deck Department personnel
and is responsible for fair allocation of leave and working hours including
scheduling of vacations.
Nope, well partial .... on a ship, the CM has nothing to do with leave and/or
He keeps the Master informed of Deck
Department condition and conduct and reliability of deck personnel.
LOL where are you c&ping this from?
Prior to sailing the Chief Mate ensures the ship and all gear, cargo and
related items are secure for sea. He reports to the Master on status of
the crew and ship's readiness.
he's only "one" who does this.
Normally he stands a 4-8 bridge watch, posts qualified and alert lookouts
during watch at sea to ensure a properly maintained and efficient watch
and checks to see that the Quartermaster steers the correct course, and
that lookouts carry out all orders. He maneuvers ship under the Master's
general supervision.
ROFL Gawd, at least you could use your own words!!! BTW, all Mates do the
above, on their respective watches.
Let me see what else . . . Trying to remember my last stint as Chief.
ROFLMAO.... Your use of the term "Chief", means you never sailed on a ship, as
He's the ship's damage control and training officer and he may supervise
Second and Third Officers. He verifies muster and station bills are
properly prepared and posted, and that fire fighting and lifesaving
equipment are in good condition and the crew is properly trained in its
use. He may conduct training sessions if necessary.
Partial ..... some of the above is allocated differently from ship to ship ....
but, since you're reading from a book, you wouldn't know that.
He's in charge on
deck during fire and boat drills and ensures personnel know their
emergency stations and duties.
Partial ....typically, your book is only giving a basic read.
He may act as Medical Officer
in conjunction with Master.
Not normally correct.
There's more but that should be enough to satisfy you. In other words
the Chief is really running the ship and doing the Master's job while the
Master gets all the credit.
I hope this helps.
S.Simon - a Master with nine months volunteer service as Chief Mate
on a small, private research vessel
ROFL Well, it took you long enough to look all this up. It's obvious you were
copying from a book and don't have a clue...... Ya see, Neal,...... YOU MISSED