Some old photos scanned & posted
The Captains Master wrote:
You stayed in front with a spinnaker set like that??
You talking set or trim? Our sets were usually a tad slow but clean &
Actually, the spinnaker trim is quite good, pulled in a little too close
against the forestay. The vang needs to be eased and the boat rolled
slightly to windward (most people overdo windward heel). My wife needs to
be looking up at the chute instead of down, but she is probably cleaning up
lines after the set. The forward hand needs to sit down and pay attention,
You probably are looking at the pole thinking it's too high, which is a
mistake many spinnaker trimmers make. Get it UP! The curl should be up on
the shoulder, like it is here. Buddy Melges says so and I have found it
gives better speed.
You can see by the wakes that we are going a lot faster than the pack of
boats behind. This particular race I remember well because we won by miles.
Partly due to luck in opening up just as the wind freshened & shifted. The
next race we ended up with a 2nd but were OCS along with about 5 other
boats. The day finished up with a terrific thunderstorm that is still quite
a vivid memory.
Sometimes I give serious thought to getting back into racing Lightnings.
Fresh Breezes- Doug King