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Default Radar and Basic Nav.

Subject: Radar and Basic Nav.
From: "Simple Simon"

Capt. Shen,

Perhaps you need to go back and read my answers again.

I wrote, among other things:

"Prior to sailing the Chief Mate ensures the ship and all gear, cargo and
related items are secure for sea. He reports to the Master on status of
the crew and ship's readiness."

I read that ... that's a generic duty of all Mates, and has nothing to do with
his main duty, regarding cargo. Nope, you failed again.

Do you see that little 'cargo' word? Maybe you need to spend
a little less time rolling on the floor laughing and use the time
gained to clean your glasses or get a new prescription?


As for Class1 and Class2 I'll waste no time on explanations
because you are so dense anyway. However, I will provide
you with a link wherin you can read it for yourself.

Check out chapter 6 - Certificates to be held.

Sorry, it's beginning to look like YOU and otn are
the Novice Masters around here. Bwaaahahahahahaah!

S.Simon - a Captain who knows of what he speaks

ROFLMAO (still) Was wondering which country you were talking about. How much
time did you waste finding that? No matter, changes nothing ... Class1 ,
Class2, limited, or unlimited, the wording changes nuffin.

Chief Mate is the "main man" when it comes to cargo, which is his duty that you
didn't know, as expected.
