ubject: Radar and Basic Nav.
From: "Simple Simon"
Date: 09/04/2003 07:46 Pacific Standard Time
Unfortunately . . .
Otn, constantly underestimates me and uses scorn instead
of an open mind. You, at least, are a worthy when it comes
to discussions which you lose to me more often than not
in the end. But, at least you refuse to give up and that's a
necessary and good quality when it comes to success on
the high seas.
Could it be otn wanted you to stop treating with me because
he sensed I was about to spring yet another trap? (As I have
done in my reply to you with a link proving classes of Chief
Mates are valid?) Nah! the fellow isn't that bright, I'm afraid.
S.Simon - otn's nemisis and your mentor
S******, you still don't get it, do you. The "class" you are putting so much
weight on, is nothing more than a different way of saying "tonnage limitation"
in the US, and has nothing to do with Chief Mate duties.
BTW, Saw your attempted trap (figured you were talking UK, but didn't bother to
check, since I "checkmated" it by specifying a US license.