Subject: Perfect Storm
From: "Simple Simon"
Date: 09/13/2003 14:16 Pacific Standard Time
You're a real 'tard! It's a fact that even imbeciles realize
a prediction is nothing but an educated guess. I'd say
this puts you below imbecile on the intelligence scale.
ROFL Fools such as yourself think that one degree in English, makes them an
educated guesser in all subjects.
Look at the weather maps, fool! You will see a high
pressure blocking Isabel from hitting the mainland.
You will also note that it's proceeding east at a pace
which will move it out of Isabel's way just in time for
her to slam into Long Island Sound by going up the
back side of the system. The only thing New York
has going for it is there's another system in the Midwest
and moving east that might just get to New York a day
sooner than Isabel in which case this system will push
Isabel out to sea. I'm betting (and hoping) the Midwest
system will arrive just a little too late. I want Booby to
experience some REAL wind and seas for once.
We must be looking at different weather maps. I'm seeing a string of lows,
beginning to march across the country, which puts the direction it will finally
take still up for grabs.
I could be wrong and normally, am. I'm not bragging -
just stating facts.
S.Simon - amateur weather prognosticator with little or no experience.