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Sky King
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Default Plain Talking....

Peter J Ross wrote in message . ..
On Sat, 23 Aug 2003 22:16:14 +0000 (UTC), a team of surgeons from
alt.sailing.asa removed the following benign growth from Bertie the

Peter J Ross wrote in

On Fri, 22 Aug 2003 20:45:54 -0300, a team of surgeons from
alt.sailing.asa removed the following benign growth from Capt. Mooron:

Aw CRAP!!!

Tried to make a shorter link... didn't work... need html

here damn it

Even though I have a splendidly clueless CNotM nominee of my own, I
thought that Mooron's theory that you need HTML to use was clueless enough to be worth sharing.

BTW, did you know Aaron Welch was my CNotM? I didn't nominate him, but I
did nourish him.

He was before my time.

Hmm... "Grape Boy". Interesting.

I led Sky King all the way from obscurity to Golden Killfile not long
ago - with a lot of help along the way from the other people he
lamed, of course.

The only person you have ever led is some fag you took into the men's room
you fruit.