Heavy Air
"Bobsprit" wrote in message
| For gawds sake Bob... I've sailed 40 miles from Mahone Bay to Prospect in
| worse conditions than that!
| You left a safe harbor to bring your vessel into 40-50 knot winds?
| You are NOT a responsible sailor.
Good Lord Man!... we left not only a safe harbour... but did it with a crew
of 5 drinking beer and later Lamb's Navy overproof rum and coffee to cut the
chill as Overproof pressed hard and screamed along under a triple reefed
main and my 110 jib reefed to 90. Not one single boat did we see out there.
At no time did anyone aboard get wet from spray or wave and by the Gods...
the breakers on Peggy's Cove were so high they prevented access to the
lighthouse... 120 meters from the sea.
You would have crapped your drawers if you saw how well we handled the 20
foot breaking rollers at Prospect Head while entering the harbour. Never
pooped by any of the several breakers behind us and there is no feeling in
the world to match Overproof's side to side dance when she's atop a wave
prior to decent into the trough. 42 nautical miles dock to dock in 4 hours
and 15 minutes. Reach out and broad reach in.... and yes we ran a hard chart
plot and nav log enroute. We even sailed away from and to the dock... engine
hours = 15 minutes at idle.
So Kiss My Grits you Lame Yankee Sunday Sailor!!!!