115 Evinrude outboard trim problem
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115 Evinrude outboard trim problem
It sounds like you need a new hydraulic pump. Only way to know is to
take it to a OMC shop. They are lspendy units to repair. First I'd
check the fluid level but, it does not sound good.
I have a 115 hp Evinrude outboard model # 115999R
(don't know what year). The trim quit working. The
motor for it still whirs and sounds the same when I
push the down button, but since it's stuck in the down
position it doesn't move. When I push the up button
there is a click, which sounds like it's coming from an
area inside the boat, below where the motor is mounted.
I need to get someone to push the button so I can try
to find exactly where it's clicking I guess, but so far
haven't had the chance to do that. outboard
mechanic told me a relay has probably gone bad, and
showed me on another boat where it was and what it
looked like. That's not how it looks on mine though :-(
Can anyone tell me if there is an online source that
shows the motor parts and where the relay would be
located, or tell me from experience where it is...or anything
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