I highly recommend the US Sailing
publications on race management. Delegation is an important item for
successful race management.
You can also purchase a fantastic book called "Sail Safe" by Paul Rushton.
Cost about Cdn $25.00
It handles ALL facets of racemanagement in detail :-))
for more info.
Paul is the Past Cork Regatta Safety Officer
c ya Wim
"Gene Fuller" wrote in message
: Hi Michael,
: I cannot help with the combination of microphones, but the bigger
: question is why this is necessary.
: The simple no-cost solution is to DELEGATE. The PRO does not need to do
: everything involved in running races. That is why there is normally more
: than one person on the committee boat.
: You did not state why you need two communication methods, but lets
: suppose that the radio is for general announcements, and the hailer is
: for calling OCS. Simply assign the task of hailing OCS to another RC
: member, perhaps the person calling the line.
: I have no idea if your club is low-key or world class. However, if you
: do not already have RC experts I highly recommend the US Sailing
: publications on race management. Delegation is an important item for
: successful race management.
: Regards,
: Gene Fuller
: Michael Hobbs wrote:
: I am asking about something that other sailing clubs must have faced and
: solved. Right now the Race Officer has to juggle two microphones, one
: the hailer and one for the VHF for races. It just doesn't work on a a
: committee boat. Is there a way of using one microphone to activate both
: hailer and a radio, for race announcements?