new boat buying process
No, this represents yet one more disaster concerning Bayliner. I have yet
to read any post extolling their virtues. Maybe that says something.
It says you don't know where to look.
Run a search engine on the Bayliner Owners Group. You'll find hundreds of happy
and satisfied Bayliner owners there.
Ever notice that most of the Bayliner horror stories are second hand, and told
by people who don't own one? (The misplumbed baitwell is an exception, it's not
second hand).
Human nature works like this: I sell you something, and tell you it's going to
give you good service and you will have a satisfactory ownership experience.
Over time, that proves to be true and so you tell *nobody*. Why should you? You
paid good money for a product with the assurance that you would be completely
or generally satisfied, that expectation is realized, and so it's not news. No
big deal. You wound up with what you thought you were going to get.
However, if I sell you something with the assurance that you will find the
ownership experience satisfactory and you are unhappy with the product you are
far more liekly to tell anybody willing to listen just how badly you were
treated, how screwed up the product is, why everything every sold by such and
such a retailer or built by
such and such a factory is a POS, etc.
Bayliner is no different than most products.
If it somes up in casual conversation, it's most likely because somebody feels
compelled to bitch and moan. The satisfied
people are too busy enjoying (any) product to waste time telling everybody how
happy they are.
I think you're reading a lot more into my post than I put there.
Not at all:
Here's exactly how you reacted to the story-
Wow, what a story! Now I know why Bayliner is so poorly regarded. What a
piece of crap - both the boat and the company. Thanks for sharing.
"Now I know"?
Don't hop my case for observing:
And sadly enough, we can see why Bayliner *is* poorly regarded- by some.
Always so easily convinced after hearing just one side of a story?