Were trailers full of hot air?
Hung juries equal acquittal. Guess we're looking at 4 more years.
Is that what all this angst is about?
Relax, your guy is in. You just have a little more scrambling to do to hoodwink
the electorate again next year. :-)
GWB will survive all this flack. It might even build his character, which could
stand some improvement, and we'll all benefit as a result.
GWB will survive, and maybe even emerge somewhat stronger, but I'd like to see
Cheney impeached for his role in supplying faulty intelligence to the
POTUS. Impeached, convicted, and removed. Bush may have only a marginal
intellect, but he is manipulated by others who are not only bright, they are
arguably evil as well. The most dangerous person in Washington DC isn't GWB,
it's Dick Cheney. Followed by Ashcroft. But Cheney is the guy to watch,
carefully. He's a heartbeat away from being POTUS. An accident or something
else extremely unfortunate could befall Bush and if that should ever happen,
"we ain't seen nuthin yet!" My fondest, short term, political wish is for the
continuing robust health of George W. Bush......
so see, NOYB? We do have something in common :-)