3 way to Cuba
My next slip neighbors are heading to Cuba next month.
They say you can go 3 way to Cuba.
1 Stop in s. Florida and pick up a non-usa citizen they can buy
everything you need while visiting. Rumor is many hang around s
Florida just to do it. Is this true Neal?
2. Get a permit from the US Govt. They have been trying for several
months and looks like they might not get it in time. What does the USA
see as a ligit reason to visit? They promote special events.
3. Approch from the South, Destroy all reciepts as soon as you get
them, keep a log of all the food ate while visiting and prove you took
it with you. Hope no one catches you..
How do you go Neal?
They plan on staying a couple of months then heading south to the
Islands, then Spain, ect..... Gonna cruise the rest of thier lives.
MSV RedCloud