The Power of CHOICE
Here it is folks. I'm not kidding one little bit.
I'm ready to leave Alt.Sailing.asa forever and for good, 100% never to return.
All you have to do is tell me to leave.
Here's the catch: It has to be a 100% vote. If even ONE person votes for me to
stay, then the rest of the group has to live with that CHOICE. Think about it.
If Ozzy says to stay I stay. If Mooron says to stay, who am I to argue? One
vote keeps me here for another year! But if EVERYONE agrees I should go...I'll
be gone! Vote now!!! This is your chance...a single vote in my favor bespeaks
love by the WHOLE group. It's your CHOICE.
Simply type: STAY! or GO!
Capt. Robert B
Alt.Sailing.Asa captain
C&C 32