3 way to Cuba
My buddy is buying a Nordica 30 in your area soon. I'll have full use of it
when I want. He's thinking of sailing it to the Bahamas for the winter after
he buys it in December. Maybe he could be talked into a trip to Cuba. He's
registering it as a Canadian vessel.
"Simple Simon" wrote in message
| Joe,
| President Bush has recently cracked down even harder
| on unauthorized travel to Cuba. Unless one thinks it's
| worth paying possible large fines and confiscation of
| one's boat it would be wise to avoid travel to Cuba at
| this time. Wait until travel restrictions are eased which
| should not be too many more years, now.
| The safest and best way to sail to Cuba at this time
| is as a crew member on a Canadian yacht. Give the
| Canadians the money to spend on your food, entertainment,
| cigars, gear and anything else you wish to buy. Canadians
| are more free than those of us who live in the so-called
| 'land of the free' ha!
| Hey, Mooron here is a great money-making opportunity
| for you. But, I don't suppose a boat on the hard for
| the winter is going to be making any trips any time soon.
| So sad . . .
| S.Simon
| "Joe" wrote in message
| My next slip neighbors are heading to Cuba next month.
| They say you can go 3 way to Cuba.
| 1 Stop in s. Florida and pick up a non-usa citizen they can buy
| everything you need while visiting. Rumor is many hang around s
| Florida just to do it. Is this true Neal?
| 2. Get a permit from the US Govt. They have been trying for several
| months and looks like they might not get it in time. What does the USA
| see as a ligit reason to visit? They promote special events.
| 3. Approch from the South, Destroy all reciepts as soon as you get
| them, keep a log of all the food ate while visiting and prove you took
| it with you. Hope no one catches you..
| How do you go Neal?
| They plan on staying a couple of months then heading south to the
| Islands, then Spain, ect..... Gonna cruise the rest of thier lives.
| Joe
| MSV RedCloud