Bush Blows
Of course, this is way, way off topic, but they were giving
the stats on how we're perceived in the Philippines. We
used to have a 75% approval rating pre-Bushy. Now, it's
around 15%, which is typical now for other countries. Maybe
we should let Laura get involved. Everyone respects librarians.
"Bobsprit" wrote in message
Can Bush approval rating sink lower? Statistically, he's at an all time
His party is desperate to publish the flows and ignore the more frequent
but no one is fooled.
Bush has the USA stuck in Iraq for no good reason. Our people are dying
and in greater numbers since the Bush-brain announced the war was over. We
an international laughing stock. We entered Iraq with little support and
beg for money to aid the rebuilding effort. Could this country look worse?
And now bush is everywhere but here as the country founders. Worst of all,
has almost no connection with the people of this country, probably the
extended version of a hands-off president since Reagan.