A starter boat for ocean crossing ?
Maybe you should start with a smaller boat of a easily sellable kind, (so
you can sell it after a couple of years with limited loss) - and then after
gaining some experience, look for a passage maker, if you want to cross some
You could also hitch a ride with somebody else, to get an idea of what it
If your question is more is more based on curiosity, I can recommend books
"Seaworthiness - the forgotten factor" by C.A.Marchaj,
"Alard Coles' Heavy Weather Sailing" by Peter Bruce,
"Offshore Yachts" by the Technical Committee of the Cruising Club of
If you are just after examples of good passage makers, here are a few:
Vertue 25 by Laurent Giles
Great Dane 28 by Aage Utzon
Monsun (Halberg Rassy) 31 by Olle Enderlein
Victoria 34 (Morris 34) By Chuck Paine
Halberg Rassy 36 by Germán Frers
Pacific Seacraft 37 by Bill Crealock
Cabo Rico 38 by Bill Crealock
Petterson 44 by Dough Petterson
Here is a inspirational list of things necessary for a passage-maker:
Directional stability
High range of positive stability
Fairly high keel-percent
Strong mast that cannot move or bend when fixed.
Strong and watertight structure (hull-deck-deckhouse)
Companionway that can be sealed to above deck-level.
Strong standing rigging
Easily refe-able to storm-force.
Peter S/Y Anicula
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I just would like to get some input as to a good starter boat, it dosen't
have to be specific names or anything but something that could be
considered for ocean crossing.
I am rather young, and this is few year (hopefuly) down the line (i like
the idea of traveling and living aboard at the same time); I just thought
to get some comments would be interesting.
I posted this question after reading this article.