Thread: Black Mast OK?
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Jeff Morris
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Default Black Mast OK?

Oh Boy. Coefficients of Thermal Expansion!

The several degrees of extra heat captured by the black mast might come out to something
like a fiftieth or twentieth of inch expansion on a long mast. A bigger issue might be if
the mast is setup and tuned on a cold Spring day - the temp rise to a hot Summer day could
be 50 degrees, which might result in an expansion of maybe a part in 2000, which would be
around half an inch for a long mast. I think I'll ask my rigger if they take this into

(These number are all SWAGs - Scientific Wild Ass Guesses)

"Bobsprit" wrote in message

Dumb people. My friend's Santana 30/30 has a black mast. On hot days we need to
use sails from a Rhodes 19 to get a proper fit. We usually have to change the
stays as well because the mast can change more 3' in height.