Thread: I love this ng.
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Jonathan Ganz
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Default I love this ng.

Yeh, but bob wins.

"Donal" wrote in message
Where else would you find men who wear "embroidered" caps, pantyhose, and
lace up gloves?

Where else would you find the 41 y/o owner of a 30 y/o POS boasting about
his boat?

Where else would you find a permanently moored liveaboard boasting about

long distance sailing exploits?

Thanks to Oz, Bob and Neal.

And yet, .... at the same time we have a 77 y/o who can tell us how a boat
should *feel* if it is being sailed correctly. We have people who can
answer the most technically demanding questions, and we have someone who
can tell us how to take on the elements ... and win!!! We have someone

gives us perfect descriptions of a week spent sailing.

Thanks to Thom, Doug, Mooron and Scotty.

You make this the best sailing ng on Usenet.

