An Embroidered Rolex Tuna..... nice catch Donal!
The Captains Nemesis wrote in message
| On Sun, 2 Nov 2003 23:41:41 -0000, "Donal"
| wrote:
| Where else would you find men who wear "embroidered" caps, pantyhose,
| lace up gloves?
| Where else would you find the 41 y/o owner of a 30 y/o POS boasting about
| his boat?
| Where else would you find a permanently moored liveaboard boasting about
| long distance sailing exploits?
| Thanks to Oz, Bob and Neal.
| And yet, .... at the same time we have a 77 y/o who can tell us how a
| should *feel* if it is being sailed correctly. We have people who can
| answer the most technically demanding questions, and we have someone who
| can tell us how to take on the elements ... and win!!! We have someone
| gives us perfect descriptions of a week spent sailing.
| Thanks to Thom, Doug, Mooron and Scotty.
| And then we have you benign as Casper Milquetoast
| ..Bwaaaahahhahahahahahaaaa!
| Oz1...of the 3 twins.
| I welcome you to crackerbox palace,We've been expecting you.