I've often wondered how an Adkins type diet would hold up in nasty
conditions. I ate three eggs before 8 am. I drank two cup of
cranberry juice. I didn't have any toast. My buddy Stu spent several
seasons working in the Bering Sea on a fishing trawler. I asked him
if anyone there tried a high proteit diet. My untested theory was
that low carb diets need less water and hence there would be less
dehydration when seasick. I'll have to call him and tell him he was
right to tell me not to try it.
I think it was after 3pm that I got sea sick. At that point I would
have thought the eggs would have passed out of my stomach. That is
about 7 hours later.
The weird thing was I felt more nauseous at the dock in Miford, where
it was calm, wiring a splice in the VHF antenna. Later at the
restaurant and driving home I still felt nauseous. Once on land I
never feel seasick unless I have an ear infection. This happen once
in the Bahamas while scuba diving. The cause of the hole in my ear
drum was a bad infection from diving that blew a hole in the drum.
I'm still very suseptible to ear infections on that side. I'l have to
wait and see if another one is coming on..
The other interesting thing was the correlation between being too hot
and or too cold with sea sickness. While getting pitched around on
deck, hanging on to boom preping to raise the main, I was all zipped
up and felt very hot and started to feel a little ill. I unzipped my
foul weather top and it passed fairly quickly. That was the main
reason I keep my jacket unzipped while on watch. The cooler air
helped me feel better.
At the helm, my bibs and foam lifejacket kept me fairly dry, and later
when I wanted to zip up the jacket, I was busy steering. A short break
to partially zip it would have kept me a bit drier--I probably could
have steered with my feet for the time necessary to do that. At some
point being too cold is as bad as being too hot.
On Wed, 5 Nov 2003 08:41:08 -0500, "Jeff Morris"
"Bart Senior" bartsenior wrote in message
.. .
Those eggs stuck like glue to
the deck, and added a little color to what had become a dreary day!
A great story! Thanks.
-jeff www.sv-loki.com
"The sea was angry that day, my friend. Like an old man trying to send back soup at the