VHF Q? Bart?
Of course. You prefer soldering?
The Captains Nemesis wrote:
It is better.
That BS about wires breaking because of a hard spot where the solder
is, is just that BS!
You'll have many more and far more difficult to trace problems with
crimps then you ever will with solder.
Depends on if the crimps are done right.
One problem with solder is that the heat of the solder makes the wire
brittle, then they are more subject to damage from vibration over the
years. Dunno about 'hard spots' but it's true that old wires break at the
solder taper. One old timey boat electrician told me that the trick is to
use just a small amount of solder so it doesn't wick up into the wire
One thing I do know for a fact.... eithe solder or crimp is better than
twist-N-tape wiring!