I was in one of my rare moods.
Proof that you have never been in a storm, let alone learnt the Beafort
Simple Simon wrote:
A storm is defined as a force 11 and above. I've experienced many
a force 11 at sea. Piece of cake! It's only 75 miles per hour. No
big deal for a well-found yacht with competent crew.
"otnmbrd" wrote in message ink.net...
EG A "storm at sea" .... Neal, I doubt you've ever seen a "STORM" at
sea .... some minor blows, maybe .....but a storm? ..... unlikely.
Simple Simon wrote:
You have never experienced these sentiments so well
expressed by Robinson. I have and can understand
exactly how he feels. Your showpiece restored tugboat
simply isn't seaworthy enough to survive a storm at sea.
"Rick" wrote in message ink.net...
And just what, exactly, does that have to do with a degenerate old
wannabe squatting on a plastic toy boat with a broken boom tied to an
engine block in a Florida swamp?
Are you pretending you share some spiritual connection with real sailors?
Get your own life master of wannabes.