Thread: Which Radar?
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Capt. Mooron
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Default Which Radar?

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| I don't sail around New York very much, and I am not looking to be judged
| toys. I have a practical need for a basic radar unit that will help me
| there is fog, and at night. It's not really a toy. Are JRC radars really
so bad?
| They have a full line, and not all of them are exactly low cost units.
| also seems to have a range of units starting about as cheap as JRC.
Overall, I
| don't see JRC as being especially cheap compared to Furuno or others.

No!... Well Yes... by comparison. You have to understand I'm spoiled by a
CRT screen and a fair sized Radome. I'm basing opinion against what I'm
accustomed to. I've used the JRC on a friend's 24.5 Bayliner Classic. It's a
fast boat [cruise at 27kts] I even recommended it to him due to the small
footprint of the radome and his intended use... much like yours. I just
wasn't impressed with the clarity or tuning it afforded. Hidden bays,
shallow exposed rocks, and small targets were more difficult to acquire.
Range to target acquisition was much shorter for the JRC than the Furuno.
It's a small radome and that's all there is to it. I've also used a Raytheon
with the flat screen. In my opinion.... It far surpasses the ability of the
JRC. So here it is... of all the radars I've used.... [excess of 6 or 7
different makes/models] The JRC was the worst.

| When I read the literature from the manufacturers, they all seem to be
| for how well they work for fast boats, which says to me, that maybe there
is a
| radar unit that is especially geared to slow (sail) boats, that trades
speed for
| lower power consumption.

I can't comment on this other than to say I am not aware of a radar unit
specifically designed for either power or sail.

| Forgetting price, for a moment, can you tell me about comparative quality,
| why one entry level unit might be better than another brand? Is an entry
| Furuno better than an entry level JRC? I can read brochures and magazines
| - I am looking for people who own or have used various models. Someone who
| owned more than one radar would be especially helpful.

Look.... here's some good advise my Dad gave me long ago.... " Buy quality
Son! you'll never regret it!".

| Thanks!

You're Welcome... Ya Fin Keeler!